The Matthew American Horse Post #295 was host to the 2014 Cannon Ball, ND Flag Day Celebration
The Traditional Wacipi (pow-wow) had several flags belonging to deceased tribal Veterans on display
Wacipi dancers from several North and South Dakota Reservations traveled to Cannon Ball, ND to participate in the celebration.
Marcella LeBeau, a Cheyenne River Lakota Veteran, was honored during the Flag Day Celebration for her service as a Nurse in World War II
Tribal Veterans during the opening prayer
An elder tribal veteran
Many traditional wacipi dancers are also veterans
President Cyril Scott (Rosebud Sioux Tribe), Director Dr. Yvette Roubideaux (Indian Health Service) and President Bryan Brewer (Oglala Sioux Tribe) were also present at the Flag Day celebration
Wacipi attendees enjoyed watching the dancers perform
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama listen to a presentation by students from the Standing Rock Lakota Language Nest
Standing Rock Tribal President Dave Archambault II (wearing headdress) along with his wife Nicole Thunder Hawk Archambault (standing next to the First Lady) graciously hosted the President of the United States
The President and First Lady were presented with gifts from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Marcella LeBeau