Rosebud Elects Tribal Secretary
Vi Waln
August 24, 2017
ROSEBUD, S.D. - Linda Marshall was elected to a 2-year term as Tribal Secretary during the General Election last week, a position she held during 2009-2013.
Wayne Boyd will remain as Tribal Treasurer for an additional 2-year term since he was the only candidate to file. 10 tribal council representatives were elected to 3-year terms.
Turnout for the August 24 General Election saw 1,977 ballots case reservation wide, slightly less than the 2,041 who voted in the July election. Tribal voters went for continuity and elected 5 incumbent representatives to serve a 2nd term.
They are Rita Means, Shizue LaPointe, Lila Kills In Sight, Kathleen Wooden Knife and Richard Smokey Whipple.
Newcomers elected to the tribal council are Steve Brave and Eileen Shot. Both have been employed with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for many years.
Reps who’ve served previous council terms from their respective communities are Russel Eagle Bear, Byron Barney Andrews and Steven L. DeNoyer.
Tribal voters also elected 3 school board members to represent St. Francis Indian School. They are Don Skeeter Leader Charge, Henry Quick Bear, Sr. and Lynne Colombe.
A challenge period ends on Friday, September 1 at 1pm. The Election Board will meet at that time to certify the results as official and move to seat the winners. The newly elected representatives will be sworn in on September 5.
Tribal Treasurer
2-year term
Wayne Boyd
Tribal Secretary
2-year term
Martina “Teema” LaDeaux 719
*Linda Marshall 1244
Tribal Council Reps
All 3-year terms
Black Pipe
*Russell Eagle Bear 1120
William Morrison 845
Bull Creek
*Barney Andrews 1019
Alfred Old Lodge 904
Butte Creek
* C. Steve Brave 1096
Paul Joseph 834
Grass Mountain
*Rita Means1062
Vanessa Red Hawk Thompson 891
Gabriel Medicine Eagle 927
*Shizue M. LaPointe 1027
*Steven L. DeNoyer 1028
Wayne W. Frederick 944
*Eileen Shot 1077
Brian K. Dillon 896
Spring Creek
Pamela J. Kills In Water 924
*Lila Kills In Sight 1011
Soldier Creek
*Kathleen Wooden Knife 1036
Dennis Charlie Spotted Tail 918
Two Strike
*Richard “Smokey” Whipple 1079
Ben Black Bear III 882
St. Francis School Board
Antoinette Miller 529
*Henry Quick Bear Sr. 630
Carmen White Horse 560
Alton Black Spotted Horse 187
Roger Crow Eagle Sr. 605
*Don Skeeter Leader Charge 1032
Daryl Jones 227
*Lynne Colombe 636
Michael Crow Eagle Sr. 157
Verlyn Walking Wagle 396
Cynthia Crow Eagle 253
Keith Horse Looking 338
Vi Waln
August 24, 2017
ROSEBUD, S.D. - Linda Marshall was elected to a 2-year term as Tribal Secretary during the General Election last week, a position she held during 2009-2013.
Wayne Boyd will remain as Tribal Treasurer for an additional 2-year term since he was the only candidate to file. 10 tribal council representatives were elected to 3-year terms.
Turnout for the August 24 General Election saw 1,977 ballots case reservation wide, slightly less than the 2,041 who voted in the July election. Tribal voters went for continuity and elected 5 incumbent representatives to serve a 2nd term.
They are Rita Means, Shizue LaPointe, Lila Kills In Sight, Kathleen Wooden Knife and Richard Smokey Whipple.
Newcomers elected to the tribal council are Steve Brave and Eileen Shot. Both have been employed with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for many years.
Reps who’ve served previous council terms from their respective communities are Russel Eagle Bear, Byron Barney Andrews and Steven L. DeNoyer.
Tribal voters also elected 3 school board members to represent St. Francis Indian School. They are Don Skeeter Leader Charge, Henry Quick Bear, Sr. and Lynne Colombe.
A challenge period ends on Friday, September 1 at 1pm. The Election Board will meet at that time to certify the results as official and move to seat the winners. The newly elected representatives will be sworn in on September 5.
Tribal Treasurer
2-year term
Wayne Boyd
Tribal Secretary
2-year term
Martina “Teema” LaDeaux 719
*Linda Marshall 1244
Tribal Council Reps
All 3-year terms
Black Pipe
*Russell Eagle Bear 1120
William Morrison 845
Bull Creek
*Barney Andrews 1019
Alfred Old Lodge 904
Butte Creek
* C. Steve Brave 1096
Paul Joseph 834
Grass Mountain
*Rita Means1062
Vanessa Red Hawk Thompson 891
Gabriel Medicine Eagle 927
*Shizue M. LaPointe 1027
*Steven L. DeNoyer 1028
Wayne W. Frederick 944
*Eileen Shot 1077
Brian K. Dillon 896
Spring Creek
Pamela J. Kills In Water 924
*Lila Kills In Sight 1011
Soldier Creek
*Kathleen Wooden Knife 1036
Dennis Charlie Spotted Tail 918
Two Strike
*Richard “Smokey” Whipple 1079
Ben Black Bear III 882
St. Francis School Board
Antoinette Miller 529
*Henry Quick Bear Sr. 630
Carmen White Horse 560
Alton Black Spotted Horse 187
Roger Crow Eagle Sr. 605
*Don Skeeter Leader Charge 1032
Daryl Jones 227
*Lynne Colombe 636
Michael Crow Eagle Sr. 157
Verlyn Walking Wagle 396
Cynthia Crow Eagle 253
Keith Horse Looking 338