Rosebud Sioux Tribe Dedicates Wacipi Arbor

August 21, 2018
By Vi Waln, Sicangu Scribe
ROSEBUD RESERVATION – The Rosebud Sioux Tribe pushed a whirlwind construction job over the summer to remodel their fairgrounds Wacipi arena and the Rodeo Crow’s Nest.
A special ceremony was held to rededicate the Adam Bordeaux Memorial Arena to unofficially open the 142 Annual Rosebud Fair, Rodeo and Wacipi Celebration. An opening prayer was offered by Henry Quick Bear. A four directions song was rendered by Red Leaf singers.
The Sicangu Lakota Warriors posted the colors for the event. Akicita were led by Bill Menard (US Army, Vietnam) who carried the Eagle Feather staff. Carrying flags were Anthony Castaway (US Marine Corp, Vietnam), Sheila Black Bear (US Army, Enduring Freedom), Nick Leading Fighter (US Marine Corp, Vietnam, Purple Heart Recipient) and Paul Hardy (US Army, Grenada).
Rosebud Sioux Tribal President William Kindle offered a welcome address. He was assisted by Rodney Bordeaux in officiating the ribbon-cutting ceremony to rededicate the Adam Bordeaux Memorial Arena.
“99 percent of the construction of this arbor was done by tribal members,” stated Laurie Bordeaux, Director of the Sicangu Nation Employment & Training Program (SNETP).
“A lot of tribal programs came together to build this arbor,” stated Wizipan Little Elk, Chief Executive Officer of the Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO). He compared the completion of the arbor as tribal citizens coming together to accomplish something great, just as Sicangu Lakota ancestors joined forces with other tribes to defeat the United States in the 1876 Little Big Horn Battle at Crow Agency, Montana.
Rosebud Sioux Tribal programs who were instrumental in the construction of the arbor included REDCO Construction, Sicangu Treaty Council, Solid Waste, Sicangu Wicoti Awayankape, Motor Fuel, Adult Jail, Tribal Historic Preservation Office, Tribal Employment Contracting Rights Office, Sicangu Oyate Land Office, Tribal Land Enterprise, Veteran’s Affairs, Road Department and Sicangu Youth Program each were presented a plaque in appreciation of their work on this project.
Several individuals were recognized for their contribution to the project also. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe sponsored a lunch to all who attended. A grass flattening dance was held prior to the Youth Wacipi.